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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Yes it is another day.  4 days later I can finally move around without crying in pain. 
    There are so many of us out there suffering from the same maladies as I.  I will come right out and say the oil and gas industry destroyed my health.  Having lost a (ex) husband to this and fortunately stayed friends, because when I am unable to move from the pain, he can visit and leave it behind him.  My joe has his way of dealing with my bad days, he goes to coffee with his buddy. 
   A local woman asked me why my story isn't in the newspaper, locally.  Well, years ago as in 2004 starting, we were in local papers, regional local television as stories, we even had the Associated Press do a story as well as numerous contacts that led no where. We have been in the press, but at a time when it wasn't well know as it is due to the Gulf spill. We had the EPA in our little town, Senator Stabenow, Rep. Stapak and many other governments agencies and here we are, telling them what are in chemicals and how toxic they can be.  Go figure.   
   I think back to the initial gas/oil exposure with the plume of hydrogen sulfide flowing freely over my town, quickly hitting the ground, as it was heavier than air.  None of us had a clue what the heck to do.  Yeah, I lost my family to ignorance and judging.  In these things we don't even understand what is happening to us.  We just know we are sick and feel better away from our homes. We lost everything as so many have but we survive monetary as best we can.  
 That seems a lifetime ago but then I wake up as I did a couple days ago and I remember the nightmare will never go away.  It just gives a reprieve. 
   Thank you to those few friends who understand the suffering we go through and accept me as I am.
Thanks.  So, staying clear of massages and pray for all of us. 
p.s. one good news is all the State land they just auctioned off didn't have as much interest.  I wish for Pennsylvania it would go away.  We still have the oil wells and antrim  gas wells by thousands so hope they back off.  
That is all I know from Northern Michigan.  Joe found a place that listed all the spills around the country I think.  Will have to go home and ask him and post it for you. Interesting. (At library as computer caputted  again lol)

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Thanks for your comment. We don't all have to agree to live in this world but it sure is nice when we do. Stay safe.